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See, Hear and Sing 幽默感
Two is Company, Three is a Crowd.

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勞倫斯埃文所表演的"貓狗打架" 1939 年5月11日。

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您曾聽過貓狗打架嗎?聽聽看以下這段聲音剪輯,看看您能否分辨出兩者的不同:真實發生的貓狗打架及由勞倫斯‧埃文 (Lawrence Evans) 一人分飾兩者的貓狗打架。 猜猜看,他是如何製造兩種聲音的重壘部分?您認為他必須要練習很多次才能得到如此逼真的效果嗎?

Have you ever heard a dog and a cat fight? Listen to this audio clip and see if you can tell the difference between the real thing and Lawrence Evans's impression. He performs both roles. How do you think he makes the sounds seem to overlap? Do you think he had to practice a lot in order to sound so convincing?
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CREDIT: "Two is Company, Three is a Crowd." 195-?. The Northern Great Plains, 1880-1920: Photographs from the Fred Hultstrand and F.A. Pazandak Photograph Collections from North Dakota State University, Library of Congress/Ameritech collections.
AUDIO CREDIT: Evans, Lawrence, performer. "Cat and Dog Fight." May 11, 1939. Southern Mosaic: The John and Ruby Lomax 1939 Southern States Recording Trip, Library of Congress.