只要美金1元,大多數的家庭都能夠負擔的起柯達布朗尼照相機;它不但便宜而且易於操作;公司的標語為「你按按鈕,我們負責其餘的工作」;消費者會買一個已經裝好底片的照相機;拍攝完成後,他們會把照相機和底片送回伊士曼工廠 (Eastman
factory) ,而由伊士曼工廠代為沖洗底片;工廠重新裝好底片後,再連同沖洗出的相片一起歸還給消費者;現在,家庭可以用相機記錄他們的旅行,並在回家後,向其他人展示他們的旅遊內容;您認為這件事是如何改變假期的經驗?
At just $1, most families could afford the Kodak Brownie camera. It was not only cheap but also easy to use. The company's slogan was, "You press the button, we do the rest." Customers would buy a camera already loaded with film. After taking their pictures, they sent both the camera and the film back to the Eastman factory, where the film was developed. The factory reloaded the camera, and returned it along with the printed photos. Now families could record their travels to show the folks back home where they'd been. How do you think this changed the experience of going on vacation?
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