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國會圖書館擁有超過一億一千九百萬本書!這些書本被儲存在美國國會大廈附近的三棟建築物內,擺放的書架長度超過530哩;除了湯瑪斯傑弗遜大樓之外,圖書館已經另外擴建了二個建築物:約翰亞當大樓 (John Adams Building) 和詹姆士麥迪遜大樓 (James Madison Building) 。圖書館內最古老的書寫文獻可回溯到西元前2040年,但圖書館也擁有數百萬項以數位型式儲存的書本內容,而且它日益擴增;僅1999年一年,圖書館就增加了約四百萬本書;如果你有機會拜訪華盛頓特區,一定要前去拜訪位於美國國會大廈對面的圖書館。

The Library of Congress has more than 119 million items! These items are stored on more than 530 miles of shelves in three buildings near the U.S. Capitol building. In addition to the Jefferson Building, the Library has expanded to two more buildings: the John Adams Building and the James Madison Building. The oldest written material in the Library dates to 2040 B.C. But the Library also has millions of items in digital format too, and it gets bigger every day. About 4 million items were added to the Library in 1999 alone. If you visit Washington, D.C., be sure to visit the Library of Congress, across the street from the U.S. Capitol.
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