湯姆斯傑弗遜大樓 (Thomas
Jefferson Building) 於1897年完工,而且被許多人公認為美國境內最美麗的建築物
2000年4月24日,美國國會圖書館歡慶它的兩百週年紀念-它已經200歲了!從著名到稍有名聲的美國人到大鳥 (Big
Bird) 都歡欣鼓舞的加入慶祝活動!在湯姆斯傑弗遜大樓 (Thomas
Jefferson Building) 內外舉辦的圖書館兩百週年紀念會,慶祝著美國人的成就。
On April 24, 2000, the Library of Congress celebrated its bicentennial--it is 200 years old! Everyone--from famous and not-so-famous Americans to Big Bird-- joined in on the fun! The Library's bicentennial birthday party, held inside and outside the Thomas Jefferson Building, celebrated the achievements of Americans everywhere.
The Library, which is the world's largest, was founded April 24, 1800, the same year that the U.S. capital moved to Washington, D.C. The Library is a giant treasure house of creativity.
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