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打棒球 !
First Nine of the Cincinnati (Red Stockings) Base Ball Club, 1869.


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第一個全職棒球隊是辛辛那提的紅襪隊 (Cincinnati Red Stockings) ;決定公開支付參賽球員被認為是一項大膽的舉動,而且這項舉動完全歸功於提出此一想法的俱樂部經理,Aaron B. Champion先生1869年,著名的職業棒球之父 (Father of Professional Baseball) 、紅襪隊的球員經理萊特 (Harry Wright) 與其隊伍環遊全國參加比賽,不但嬴得60勝利,且完全無失敗記錄;雖然全國協會不想支持職業棒球運動,但是他們的決議完全無法生效;職棒大聯盟已經在美國展開。

The first all-professional baseball team was the Cincinnati Red Stockings. It was considered a bold move to decide to openly pay players to play baseball, and it can be credited to Club President Aaron B. Champion, who came up with the idea. In 1869, the Reds' player-manager Harry Wright, known as the "Father of Professional Baseball," and his team toured the country and won 60 games without a single loss. Although the National Association didn't want to support the professional baseball movement, they were overruled. Major League baseball in America had begun.

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