「工作改進組織」 (Works
Progress Administration,WPA) 閉幕演出馬克白
回到經濟大蕭條的時候,當時股票市場崩盤,許多人沒有工作,對於許多專業演員來說,工作更是難找。因此,法蘭克林‧羅斯福在「工作改進組織」底下設立了聯邦劇院計畫 (Federal
Theatre Project,FTP) ,以協助救濟那些失業的作家、演員,以及藝術家。「工作改進組織」是一個全國性的工作計畫,目的在幫助人們找到工作。
Back during the Great Depression, when the stock market crashed and there was widespread unemployment, it was especially tough even for skilled performers to find work. So President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Federal Theatre Project (FTP), as part of the Works Progress Administration (WPA), to help relieve the stress of unemployed writers, actors, and artists. The WPA was a national works program that helped people find jobs.
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