傑利‧羅‧摩頓 (Jelly
Roll Morton) 去世
你是一個爵士迷嗎?你可能聽過傑利‧羅‧摩頓的唱片。雖然摩頓於1941年7月10日去世,但是他的音樂還是會讓你想要站起來跳舞。如果你聽過散拍爵士 (ragtime) 或者看過古老的黑白卡通影片,你對傑利‧羅‧摩頓的音樂應該就不會很陌生。
在1920年代,傑利‧羅‧摩頓因為他的樂團「紅辣椒」 (Red
Hot Peppers) 而聲名大噪。摩頓是一個偉大的鋼琴家,同時也被認為是最好的爵士交響樂作曲家。他甚至還說自己是發明爵士的人,也因為這句話而在樂壇裡有了許多敵人。不管你同不同意他的說法,摩頓確實改變了很多爵士音樂的演奏方法。你知道這些改變是什麼嗎?
Are you a jazz fan? You might be if you heard a recording by Jelly Roll Morton. He died on July 10, 1941, but his music still makes you want to get up and dance. If you've listened to ragtime or watched old black-and-white cartoons, you have an idea of the kind of music Jelly Roll Morton wrote and played.
In the 1920s, Jelly Roll Morton rose to fame with his band, the Red Hot Peppers. Morton was a great pianist and generally acknowledged as one of the first orchestral jazz composers. He even claimed to have invented jazz. That boast brought him a lot of enemies in the music world. Whether or not you agree with his claim, Morton made some serious changes to the way jazz was played. Can you think what those changes might be?
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