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Porgy and Bess Title Page

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喬治‧葛詩文 (George Gershwin) 完成了乞丐與蕩婦 (Porgy and Bess) 的樂譜


「乞丐與蕩婦」是根據杜柏斯‧海沃德 (Dubose Heyward) 的小說乞丐 (Porgy) 所改編的歌劇,而海沃德也參與歌劇的寫作過程。故事是有關南卡羅萊那州嘎勒人 (Gullah,非裔美人) 的文化。葛詩文知道在他完成「乞丐與蕩婦」之前,他必須要先學習有關嘎勒人的文化。這個民族是奴隸的後裔,他們的語言相當特殊,結合了英語與西非地區的字彙。

When was the last time you did something so wonderful, you surprised yourself? George Gershwin signed his name to the completed opera score for Porgy and Bess on September 2, 1935. Gershwin wrote many popular songs, but of Porgy and Bess, he said, "I think the music is so marvelous, I don't believe I wrote it."

Porgy and Bess was based on the book Porgy by Dubose Heyward (who also worked on the opera) about the African American "Gullah" culture of South Carolina. Gershwin knew that before he could write the music to Porgy and Bess, he would need to learn something about the "Gullah" people, descendants of former slaves who speak a unique language that is a combination of English and West African words.

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