由於邦聯條款的鬆散約束力,大陸會議沒有足夠的權力來強制要求各州代表參加會議。到了1月13日,批准會議還需要更多的代表才能開會。最後,南卡羅萊納州的代表李察‧布瑞司福德 (Richard
Beresford) 抱病前來參加會議。當他到達會場時,就立即開始投票。在1784年1月14日,條約被批准通過。美國正式成為獨立的國家。
A ratifying convention was scheduled at the Maryland State House in November, but many of the delegates did not arrive right away. By January 12, only seven of the 13 states had sent their representatives. Time was running short; where were the other delegates?
Operating under the weak Articles of Confederation, the Continental Congress lacked the power to enforce attendance at the convention. On January 13, the convention needed one more delegate. Finally, South Carolina Representative Richard Beresford, who was ill, traveled to Maryland. As soon as he arrived, the vote was taken, and on January 14, 1784, the treaty was ratified. The United States was officially an independent nation.
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