英國代理總督亨利‧漢米爾頓 (Henry
Hamilton) 投降
克拉克在1779年2月23日到達文森地區。他下令部屬在堡壘前搖旗吶喊以虛張聲勢。漢米爾頓因此以為克拉克的部隊有600人,而不是200人,所以他覺得自己應該投降,以免傷亡。漢米爾頓於是要求克拉克和他在2月24日於鄰近地區的教堂裡碰面,討論投降的條件。漢米爾頓就在2月25日的早晨宣佈投降。他被囚禁在威廉斯堡 (Williamsburg) ,而英國再也無法重新掌控這個地區。美國國旗在堡壘前高高昇起,軍隊也向空射擊大砲以示慶祝。
Clark discovered that Hamilton was strengthening his defenses at Fort Sackville at Vincennes, Indiana. To capture the fort, Clark needed to attack soon. He could rely on his men's expert marksmanship, but with only 200 buckskin-clad pioneers under his command, he needed a plan.
Clark arrived in Vincennes on February 23, 1779. He ordered his men to march all the company's flags back and forth behind a bluff in sight of the fort. Hamilton, thinking he was overwhelmed by a company of 600 men instead of 200, thought he should surrender. He requested that Clark meet with him at a nearby church on February 24 to discuss terms. On the morning of February 25, Hamilton surrendered. He was imprisoned at Williamsburg, and the British never regained control of the fort. An American flag was raised above the fort and cannon shots were fired in celebration.
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