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Jump Back in Time 獨立戰爭期間 (1764-1789)
Interior page from Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, 1773.

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菲莉斯惠特利 (Phyllis Wheatley) :第一位出版專書的非裔美人


菲莉斯惠特利在1778年嫁給同是自由黑人的約翰彼得斯 (John Peters) ,並且出版了另外三篇詩作。然而,她的丈夫在生意上並不成功。惠特利後來只能去幫傭。在惠特利去世的時候,她是非常的窮困。不過,雖然她死於貧窮,但是她死去時是一個自由的女性。

Soon after she returned home, Wheatley was given her freedom. As a free woman, she published both an antislavery letter and a poem to George Washington, whom she had met. Washington wrote to Wheatley, thanking her and praising her "great poetical Talents."

Phyllis Wheatley married John Peters, a free black man, in 1778 and published three more poems. Her husband, however, was not as successful in business. Wheatley became a servant later on in her life, and when she died, she was very poor. Although she died poor, she died a free woman.

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