菲莉斯‧惠特利 (Phyllis
Wheatley) :第一位出版專書的非裔美人
在菲莉斯‧惠特利只有七歲或八歲的時候,她就被抓,並帶離她在西非的家鄉。西元1761年,一艘奴隸船將她帶到了波士頓。後來,一個叫做約翰‧惠特利的富裕的裁縫師和她的妻子蘇珊娜 (Susannah) 把這個年輕的小女孩從船上直接買了下來,並且把她取名為菲莉斯‧惠特利。當時,這對夫婦並不知道這個小女孩將會對這世界展露她的才華。
惠特利長大後成為一個詩人。她的作品集:「不同主題、宗教與道德的詩」 (Poems
on Various Subjects, Religious, and Moral) 在1773年9月1日正式出版。當大多數奴隸都被禁止學習閱讀與寫字時,為什麼惠特利能夠成為第一位出版專書的非裔美人作家呢?
Phyllis Wheatley was only seven or eight years old when she was captured and taken from her home in West Africa. A slave ship brought her to Boston in 1761. Knowing nothing of the talents she would soon show the world, John Wheatley, a prosperous tailor, and his wife, Susannah, purchased the young girl directly from the ship and named her Phyllis Wheatley.
Wheatley grew up to be a poet. Her collection, Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, was published on September 1, 1773. How did she become the first African American writer to be published, when most slaves were forbidden to learn to read and write?
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