愛國人士納珊‧海爾 (Nathan
Hale) 被吊死
「我唯一的遺憾,就是只有一條生命可以獻給我的國家。」你以前是否曾聽過這句名言?這是1776年9月22日,美國愛國人士納珊‧海爾因為暗中偵察英國軍隊而被施以絞刑之前所說的一句話。這件事是怎麼發生的呢?西元1755年月6日,海爾出生在康乃迪克州的柯芬翠市 (Coventry) 。他是一個教貿易的老師,後來和他的五個兄弟一同入伍,在獨立戰爭中對抗英軍。
"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Have you heard this famous declaration before? American patriot Nathan Hale said it on September 22, 1776, his last words before he was hanged for spying on British troops. How did this come to pass? Hale, born in Coventry, Connecticut, on June 6, 1755, and a teacher by trade, joined his five brothers in the fight for independence against the British.
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