由於不滿英國奪取法國的殖民地,以及在印度戰爭中敗給英國,所以法國從1775年開始就秘密協助美國殖民地的人民。西元1776年,大陸會議派遣外交官班哲明‧富蘭克林,以及席拉斯‧迪恩 (Silas
Deane) 與雅瑟‧李 (Arthur
Lee) 一同前往法國,尋求與法國達成正式的結盟關係。當富蘭克林前往締約典禮時,為了表示慎重,他穿著和他在1774年出席英國樞密院 (Privy
Council) 時相同的那套棕色絲絨套裝。在那時候,他因為公佈揭露英國刻意壓抑殖民地人民的機密文件,而被控偷竊。
France had been secretly aiding the American Colonies since 1775, because France was angry at Britain over the loss of Colonial territory in the French and Indian War. In 1776, the Continental Congress sent diplomat Benjamin Franklin, along with Silas Deane and Arthur Lee, to France to secure a formal alliance. When Franklin came to the signing ceremony, he wore, as a symbol, the same brown velvet suit he had worn when he appeared before Britain's Privy Council in 1774. At the time, he was accused of theft for having brought to light British documents that showed the British were purposefully repressing the Colonies.
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