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Jump Back in Time 獨立戰爭期間 (1764-1789)
Daniel Webster

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伊利札惠洛克教士 (Reverend Eleazar Wheelock) 成立了達特茅斯學院

學校聘請畢業於1801年的丹尼爾韋伯斯特 (Daniel Webster) 擔任律師,他也是後來的美國國務卿。他主張最初的許可證明仍然有效,所以達特茅斯應該能繼續作為一所不受到國家 (州) 干涉的私人機構。他的說法得到馬歇爾法官與最高法院的同意。達特茅斯大學的案例也為其他美國私人高等教育機構鋪設了一條坦途。 

現在的達特茅斯仍然是一所小型私人學校,一直到1972年才改為男女合校。目前有來自各州與四十多個國家約4300位大學生與1200位研究生。西奧多格塞爾 (Theodor Geisel) ,也就是「蘇斯博士」 (Dr. Seuss) 畢業於1925年,也是達特茅斯大學畢業生中最為有名的一位。「綠衫軍」的訓言,其原文是 「vox clamantis in deserto」,意思就是「荒野中的聲音」,這是一個很貼切的說法,正好呼應了達特茅斯最初在小木屋裡上課的情景。

Lawyer and later Secretary of State Daniel Webster (a Dartmouth graduate, class of 1801) argued that the original charter was still valid, and Dartmouth should be allowed to continue as a private institution free of interference from the state. Justice Marshall and the Supreme Court agreed. The Dartmouth College case paved the way for other private American institutions of higher learning.

Dartmouth today is still a small private college, coed since 1972, with about 4,300 undergraduates and 1,200 graduate students representing every state and 40 nations. Theodor "Dr. Seuss" Geisel (class of 1925) is among notable Dartmouth graduates. The motto of "Big Green" is vox clamantis in deserto, which means "a voice crying in the wilderness"--an apt saying, remembering its beginnings in a small log hut.

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