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Jump Back in Time 獨立戰爭期間 (1764-1789)
Tomb of John C. Calhoun Charleston.
凱爾宏的墓地 (在南卡羅來納州的查爾斯頓)

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約翰凱爾宏 (John C. Calhoun) 出生

不過,凱爾宏實在是病得太嚴重了,所以他無法自己唸出演講稿,只好請求另一個參議員詹姆士莫瑞梅森 (James Murry Mason) 幫他念出來。和他慣常的口吻一樣,凱爾宏的演講稿指控北方的侵略行為,但並未提及妥協方案。凱爾宏提議北方和南方應該建立兩個不同的國家以維持和平。然而,國會最後還是投票通過妥協方案。不久後,凱爾宏於1850年去世,他那豐富與意志堅定的政治生涯也宣告終止。你是否認識和約翰凱爾宏脾氣一樣急躁的人呢?你是否會為了深信不移的信念而奮戰呢?

Too ill to read the speech himself, he asked another senator, James Murray Mason of Virginia, to read it. In Calhoun's usual tone, it accused the North of aggression and shunned compromise. He proposed that the North and South should part in peace as two separate nations. But Congress voted for compromise. Calhoun died shortly after, in 1850, ending a full and very focused political life. Have you ever known someone with a temperament like John Calhoun's? Would ideas that you strongly believe in make you fight this way?
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