丹尼爾‧布恩 (Daniel
Boone) 率先發現現今肯塔基州的林地
有好幾個月,布恩一個人跋涉在幾乎沒有其他英裔美人走過的阿帕拉契山脈 (Appalachian
Mountains) 森林裡。到了1769年的6月7日,布恩走到山脈的最高處,他看到了一大片的林地,那就是現在的肯塔基州。他知道他已經穿越山脈,走到山脈另一邊的森林了。這條路徑也就是著名的「荒野之路」 (Wilderness
Road) ,也是人們到達西邊所必須經過的主要道路之一。這條道路也開啟了探險更多土地的機會。
For months, Boone trekked through forests in the Appalachian Mountains, where few Anglo-Americans had ever been. On June 7, 1769, Boone reached the summit of a ridge and saw the woodlands of what is now Kentucky. He realized then that he had made it across the mountains to the forests on the other side. This trail became known as Wilderness Road and would become one of the main roads for people traveling west. It opened up vast amounts of land for further exploration.
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