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Jump Back in Time 西部擴張與改革
Mormon Temple Grounds, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1912.
猶他州鹽湖城的摩門教教堂 (1912年)

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楊百翰 (Brigham Young) 定居在大鹽湖谷

每年的7月24日,在猶他的居民與其他一些西部各州的居民都會慶祝「拓荒者日」 (Pioneer Day) 。人們會發表演說、騎馬遊行、參加馬術競賽,以及與家人或朋友到戶外野餐等等。這些活動都能夠顯耀楊百翰,與其他相同移民者的勇敢、堅強的個性,以及身體上的持續力。你有沒有慶祝過「拓荒者日」?你有沒有去過鹽湖城,看過那裡的摩門教教堂呢?如果你的朋友或家人有過,問問他們的經驗。

Every 24th of July, people in Utah and several other Western states celebrate Pioneer Day. People give speeches, ride in parades, participate in rodeos, and join with friends and family for a picnic. These activities honor the bravery, strength of character, and physical endurance of Brigham Young and other settlers like him. Have you ever celebrated Pioneer Day? Have you ever been to Salt Lake City and seen the Mormon Temple there? Ask your friends and family if they have.

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