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Miners in 1849.

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因為撿到金塊而致富的想法其實和贏得樂透大獎的想法是一樣的!在1849年,來自各地的人都想要試試看自己的運氣。他們就是後來人們說的「淘金客」 (forty-niners) 。有超過10萬人在那個時候陸續到達加州,但是找到金子的困難度遠遠超過他們的想像。有些人賺到了一點錢,其他人一文不名的回家。許多人則以經營商店、理髮店、洗衣店、旅館為生,取代淘金。當時所創造的城鎮與都市現在還存在於加州。


The thought of becoming rich from picking up gold nuggets from the ground was like hoping to win the lottery! In 1849, prospectors came from everywhere to try to make their fortunes. They became known as the "forty-niners." More than 100,000 people arrived in California, but the gold was harder to find than people realized. A few made a small fortune. Others left for home penniless. Many made a living instead, running stores, saloons, laundries, and boarding houses, creating towns and cities that still exist in California.

Would you have been a "forty-niner?" And if you had discovered gold in a river or under the ground, what would you have done?

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