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Major General Winfield Scott. General in chief, United States Army

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布宜納‧威斯塔之戰 (Battle of Buena Vista)

史考特將軍從海上入侵墨西哥。在賽落‧戈朵之戰 (Battle of Cerro Gordo) 中,他擊退墨西哥軍隊,但是聖塔‧安那將軍又再度逃脫。雖然面臨到猛烈的抗拒,史考特還是繼續領軍向前,最後在九月佔領了墨西哥首都。在184822日,美國與墨西哥在墨西哥市簽署了「瓜達盧佩伊達戈條約」 (Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo) ,終止了美墨戰爭。五年之後,兩國又簽署了「哥斯登購買協定」 (Gadsden Purchase) ,正式確立了美國與墨西哥目前的邊界。 

泰勒在戰爭中的勝利對他競選1848年的總統選舉有很大的幫助。史考特後來在1852年也參加總統大選,但是最後輸給另外一個參加美墨戰爭的退伍軍人:法蘭克林‧皮爾斯 (Franklin Pierce)

General Scott invaded Mexico from the sea. At the Battle of Cerro Gordo, he defeated the Mexican army, but, once again, General Santa Anna escaped capture. Despite strong resistance, Scott pressed forward and captured the Mexican capital in September. On February 2, 1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed in Mexico City, ending the war. Five years later, the Gadsden Purchase set the current boundary between the U.S. and Mexico.

Taylor's victories in the war contributed greatly to his election as president in 1848. Scott also ran for president but was defeated in 1852 by another veteran of the Mexican-American War, Franklin Pierce.

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