蘿菈‧恩格斯‧懷德 (Laura
Ingles Wilder) 出生於1867年2月7日
你有沒有想過住在另外一個時代?如果你是美國偏遠地區開墾者的一員,搭著馬車穿過大草原四處開墾,那種情況是什麼樣子的呢?你可以看看「小屋」 (Little
House) 這一系列的書籍,瞭解當時的情況。這是由蘿菈‧恩格斯‧懷德所寫的半自傳書籍,她出生在1867年的2月7日。
Have you ever dreamed of living in another time? Imagine what it would have been like to be one of the early settlers of the American frontier, moving by covered wagon through wide, windy prairies. You can really get a sense of what it was like by reading one of the books in the Little House series. These semi-autobiographical stories were written by Laura Ingalls Wilder who was born on this day, February 7, in 1867.
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