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Jump Back in Time 重建時期 (1866-1877)
Students and teachers in training school of Fisk University.

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費斯科學校 (Fisk School) 於186619日正式招生了

設立費斯科學校的概念在內戰之後迅速開始成形。有三個反奴隸制度的社團在1846年成立了一個叫做「美國傳教士協會」 (American Missionary Association) 的團體,協助創立了費斯科學校 (後來變成費斯科大學) ,以及其他黑人學校,包括亞特蘭大、漢普頓,以及豪沃大學等。他們的理念是希望提供最好的大學教育給每一個人,不管他們的種族是什麼。費斯科學校的第一批學生的年紀從7歲到70歲都有,可以看出所有的「前」奴隸是多麼渴望學習。這些歷史性的黑人學校現在都還繼續招生,不過非裔美人現在已經可以進入任何一間學校了。

The idea for Fisk School was born soon after the Civil War. A group called the American Missionary Association, formed in 1846 from three antislavery societies, helped to found Fisk School (later to become Fisk University), along with other historically black colleges, including Atlanta, Hampton, and Howard universities. The idea was to offer the best education a university could offer an individual, regardless of race. The first students at Fisk ranged from 7 to 70, all ex-slaves eager to learn. These historically black colleges still exist, and today African Americans are welcome at all colleges.
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