保羅‧勞倫斯‧鄧巴 (Paul
Laurence Dunbar) 於1872年6月27日出生
當鄧巴還小的時候,他的母親告訴他許多南方的故事。後來鄧巴就開始撰寫南方非裔美人的故事。歐爾威爾‧萊特 (Orville
Wright) 是鄧巴的好朋友之一,也是他的同學,後來還和他的兄弟威布爾 (Wilbur) 一起發明了飛機。這兩個好朋友發行了一份叫做達頓八卦報 (Dayton
Tattler) 的報紙,但是不幸的是,他們的經費只夠發行三期,但是鄧巴並沒有因此而放棄寫作。西元1983年時,鄧巴當時擔任電梯操作員,他也同時出版了第一本詩作:橡樹與長春籐 (Oak
and Ivy) 。
When Dunbar was young, his mother told him stories of the South. Then, later on in life, Dunbar wrote his own stories about African Americans in the South. One of his best friends was his classmate Orville Wright. (Orville and his brother Wilbur invented the airplane.) The two friends published a newspaper called The Dayton Tattler. Unfortunately, their money ran out after just three issues, but Dunbar did not give up writing. In 1893, while working as an elevator operator, Dunbar published his first book of poetry, Oak and Ivy.
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