你可以到著名的木板路上逛街購物,吃海水做的太妃糖,或者是坐在一流的餐廳裡吃東西。一個叫做亞歷山大‧柏得曼 (Alexabder
Boardman) 的鐵路隨車員想出了這個主意,建一條木板路來連接海灘與市區,以免沙子都被帶進飯店裡。在1870年6月26日,亞特蘭大市的第一段木板路沿著紐澤西海灘開放。這段木板路寬約八尺,總長一英里。不久之後,這條通道進一步擴充,並延長至5英里長。到了1884年,如果你不想要走路,你還可以搭著旋轉椅在木板路散心。旋轉椅是唯一可以行駛在木板路上的交通工具。
You could stroll down the famous boardwalk and shop, eat saltwater taffy, or sit in an elegant restaurant. Alexander Boardman, a railroad conductor, thought up the idea of constructing a wooden walkway from the beach into town as a means of keeping sand out of the hotels. On June 26, 1870, the first section of the Atlantic City boardwalk opened along the New Jersey beach. It was eight feet wide and one mile long. Soon the walkway was extended and stretched to five miles long. By 1884, if you didn't want to walk, you could travel along the boardwalk in a rolling chair. The rolling chair was the only vehicle allowed on the boardwalk.
Can you think of an event that happens each year in Atlantic City today?
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