特威德老大 (Boss
Tweed) 於1875年12月4日逃獄了
這群「特威德圈密友」是透過製作假的租約,製作錯誤而需要修補的鈔票,以及從夥伴那裡以過高的售價購買到的貨品與服務等方式來竊取金錢。東窗事發之後,在擔任紐約時報 (New
York Times) 發行人的喬治‧瓊斯 (George
Jones) ,以及改革派律師薩慕爾‧提登 (Samuel
J. Tilden) 的領導下,開始了驅逐與推翻特威德領導的抗議行動。漫畫家湯瑪斯‧奈斯特 (Thomas
Nast) 也創作許多諷刺特威德的漫畫,並發表在哈波週刊 (Harper』s
Weekly Magazine) 之上,為大眾發聲。
The "Tweed Ring" managed to steal the money by faking leases, padding bills with false changes and paying for unnecessary repairs and overpriced goods and services bought from suppliers controlled by the ring. A growing movement was determined to expose and overthrow Tweed, led by George Jones, the publisher of The New York Times, and reform lawyer Samuel J. Tilden. Cartoonist Thomas Nast also helped spark public outrage against Tweed by creating wicked caricatures of him in Harper's Weekly magazine.
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