但是西華很久以前就想要買下阿拉斯加了。阿拉斯加的幅員廣大,可以讓美國領土擴大20%。俄國在18世紀早期就在阿拉斯加地區建立基地,並且在詹姆士‧布坎南 (James
Buchanan) 總統在位時就想要賣給美國。但是因為內戰的爆發,兩國的談判宣告中斷。戰爭結束之後,西華花了很多心力說服參議院,讓議員們相信阿拉斯加對美國是相當重要的。參議院最後以一票之差批准購買條約,決定購買阿拉斯加。你覺得買下阿拉斯加是聰明的嗎?
But Seward had wanted to buy Alaska for a long time. Alaska is so large that the addition of this land would increase the size of the U.S. by nearly 20 percent. Russia had established a presence in Alaska in the early 18th century and offered to sell it to the United States during President James Buchanan's administration. But the Civil War stalled negotiations. After the war, it was not easy for Seward to convince the Senate that Alaska would be an important addition to the United States. The Senate ratified the treaty that approved the purchase by just one vote. Was buying Alaska a good move?
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