「subway」。在1904年10月27日星期四的午後,紐約市市長喬治‧麥剋剋雷欄 (George
B. McClellan) 正式啟動了紐約市的地鐵系統。第一班離開市政廳站的地鐵列車由市長負責操作,並且在26分鐘之後抵達145街的出口。地鐵於當天晚上7點鐘對外開放,那天晚上在地鐵停止營運之前,共有15萬名乘客搭乘了這列車在地底隧道裡穿梭著。
In London, it's "the Tube"; in Paris, it's the Metro; and in New York City, it's the subway. On Thursday afternoon, October 27, 1904, the mayor of New York City, George B. McClellan, officially opened the New York City subway system. The first subway train left City Hall station with the mayor at the controls, and 26 minutes later arrived at 145th Street. The subway opened to the general public at 7 p.m. that evening, and before the night was over, 150,000 passengers had ridden the trains through the underground tunnels.