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Jump Back in Time 進步時代 (1890-1913) 
Submarine Model, Seamen's Bank for Savings, New York, New York, 1943.
現在潛水艇的模型 (1943年)

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你能想像在海平面以下旅行的情景嗎?現代的潛水艇就讓這個夢想成真了。西元1900411日,美國海軍取得第一艘潛水艇,這是一艘53英尺長的船艦,以其愛爾蘭移民設計師約翰‧荷蘭 (John P. Holland18401914) 的名字來命名。荷蘭號 (Holland) 是現代潛水艇設計的藍圖。當這艘潛水艇浮在水面上時,是用汽油推動,而潛入水底時,則改用電力來推動。在第一次世界大戰時,以荷蘭號概念啟發的船艦是在世界各地征戰的海軍艦隊的主力。不過,設計一艘能在水底航行的船隻,卻是很久以前就有的構想。

Can you imagine traveling beneath the surface of the ocean? The modern submarine made this possible. On April 11, 1900, the U.S. Navy acquired its first submarine, a 53-foot craft named after its designer, Irish immigrant John P. Holland (1840-1914). The Holland served as a blueprint for modern submarine design. Gasoline propelled it on the surface, and electricity propelled it when it was submerged. By World War I, Holland-inspired vessels were a part of large naval fleets throughout the world. However, the idea for a boat that could travel underwater goes back long before that.

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