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Jump Back in Time 進步時代 (1890-1913) 
An illustration in Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide, Spanish-American Edition
斯柏汀官方棒球指南中的一頁 (西語、美語版,1911年)

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李洛伊‧羅伯特‧「薩裘」‧佩吉 (Leroy Robert 「Satchel」 Paige) 出生


李洛伊‧羅伯特‧「薩裘」‧佩吉生於190677日。他之所以有「薩裘」這個暱稱,是因為他小時候在火車站為火車乘客提行李與背包。因為他是非裔美人,所以一開始大聯盟並不允許他加入,所以佩吉是在人們說的「黑人聯盟」 (the Negro League) 中打球。佩吉後來率領堪薩斯國王隊 (Kansas City Monarchs) 贏得五次黑人聯盟的總冠軍。他後來還以自己的球技在全美國四處巡迴。你知道什麼叫做巡迴嗎?

How old is "too old" to play professional baseball? At the age of fifty-nine, Satchel Paige became the oldest player in the major leagues. He may also have been the best pitcher in baseball ever.

Leroy Robert "Satchel" Paige was born on July 7, 1906. He earned his nickname, Satchel, when he was a young boy carrying bags (and satchels) at railroad stations for passengers. Initially barred from the major leagues because he was African American, Paige played in what was referred to as "the Negro Leagues." Paige's pitching took the Kansas City Monarchs to five Negro American League pennants. He also showcased his skills by barnstorming across the country. What is barnstorming?

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