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Jump Back in Time 進步時代 (1890-1913)
Mount Rainier in 1907

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華盛頓州中部的雷尼爾山 (Mount Rainier) 成為國家公園

慕爾對這裡在溫暖季節時美景、遍佈在山林間色彩豐富的野花印象特別深刻。現在這座國家公園涵蓋了雷尼爾山 (這座活火山) 週遭400平方英里的範圍。這是最先擁有自然導遊、公園騎兵、博物館,以及設有「無路範圍」標誌的國家公園之一。這個區域富藏各種資源,包括岩石、冰河、水文、植物,以及動物等,換言之,這裡就是充滿著美麗、挑戰、復興,以及樂趣等。到了1899年,只有200個人到雷尼爾山國家公園參觀。不過到了現在,每年已經有超過2百萬人到這裡參觀了。你想不想成為其中一個呢?

Muir was particularly impressed with the magnificent, colorful wildflowers that blanket the mountain during the warm months. The park today encompasses 400 square miles around Mount Rainier, which is actually an active volcano. It was one of the first parks to have nature guides, park rangers, a museum, and designated "roadless areas." Rich in resources of all kinds, the rocks, glaciers, water, plants, and animals have come to mean so much--beauty, challenge, renewal, and enjoyment. In 1899, 200 people visited Mount Rainier National Park. Today, nearly 2 million visit each year. Would you like to be one of them?
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