華盛頓州中部的雷尼爾山 (Mount
Rainier) 成為國家公園
你認不認得圖片中這座美麗的自然地標呢?這是華盛頓州中部的雷尼爾山,是一座高14410英尺的火山,周圍被原始森林與壯觀的高山風景所圍繞。就某方面來看,這座山也是一個計時器。看起來跟200年前很相近。在1899年3月2日,威廉‧麥金萊 (William
McKinley) 總統簽署法案同意設立雷尼爾山國家公園。這是國會通過設立的第五處國家公園。你知道200年前哪些人把這個區域當成是家鄉呢?
Do you recognize this beautiful natural landmark? This is Mount Rainier in central Washington, a 14,410-foot volcanic peak, surrounded by pristine forests and spectacular alpine scenery. It is also, in a way, a timepiece. It looks very much as it did 200 years ago. On March 2, 1899, President William McKinley signed legislation creating Mount Rainier National Park. It was the fifth national park designated by Congress. Do you know who made the area near the mountain their home 200 years ago?