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Jump Back in Time 進步時代 (1890-1913) 
Mahalia Jackson poster

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福音歌手,瑪哈莉雅‧傑克森 (Mahalia Jackson) 出生

藉由她的音樂力量,瑪哈莉雅‧傑克森參與爭取公民權利的運動,並且成為運動中的主要人物。傑克森也對時下許多歌手有相當重要的影響,例如愛瑞莎‧法蘭克林 (Aretha Franklin) 等。馬丁‧路得‧金恩二世曾描述她的聲音:「這不是百年難得一見的聲音,而是千年難得一見的聲音。」問問你的父母與祖父母,看他們是否曾聽過瑪哈莉雅‧傑克森演唱的聖歌。你自己有沒有聽過聖歌呢?

With the power of her music, Mahalia Jackson participated in the civil rights movement and became a prominent figure in the struggle. Jackson has influenced many singers of today, such as Aretha Franklin. Martin Luther King Jr. said of her, "A voice like this comes, not once in a century, but once in a millennium." Ask your parents and grandparents if they have heard the gospel songs of Mahalia Jackson. Have you ever heard gospel music?
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