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Jump Back in Time 進步時代 (1890-1913)
Hollywood, January 1923

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作家史考特‧費茲傑羅 (F. Scott Fitzgerald) 出生

雖然費茲傑羅夫婦後來搬到法國的裡威耶拉 (Riviera) 度假勝地,但是麗爾達的病況卻越來越嚴重。她有時候會突然想要練習芭蕾,就日夜都不休息的跳著。麗爾達第二次精神崩潰之後,費茲傑羅只好把她送到北卡羅萊納州愛須為爾 (Asheville) 的醫院裡接受治療。在他生命的最後數年,費茲傑羅搬到好萊塢,並且靠著編劇的工作維生。他在45歲的時候因為心臟病發而去世,留下他最後一本小說「最後的大亨 (The Last Tycoon) ,這是一本有關好萊塢生活的小說,不過只寫了一半。

While living on the French Riviera, Zelda's illness became serious. She suddenly began to practice ballet, dancing night and day. After a second nervous breakdown, she was hospitalized for mental illness in Asheville, North Carolina. During the last years of his life, Fitzgerald lived in Hollywood, earning his living as a screenwriter. He died of a heart attack at the age of 45, leaving his final novel, The Last Tycoon (about life in Hollywood), only half done.
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