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Jump Back in Time 進步時代 (1890-1913)
New York, N.Y., immigrants' landing, Ellis Island, between 1910 and 1920.

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第一個移民登上艾力司島 (Ellis Island)

15歲的安妮‧摩爾 (Annie Moore) 1892年的這一天從愛爾蘭出發到達這裡時,她成為第一個經由艾力司島進入美國的外國人。當她搭的船越來越靠近她的新家時,安妮應該已經看到紐約港外305英尺高的自由女神像。這座雕像就位在艾力司島隔壁的島上。你能猜到有多少人經由艾力司島進入美國嗎?

When 15-year-old Annie Moore arrived here from Ireland on this day in 1892, she was the first person to enter the United States through Ellis Island. As the boat she was on drew closer to her new home, she must have seen the Statue of Liberty, whose torch rises 305 feet above the waters of the New York Harbor. The statue is on an island next to Ellis Island. Can you guess how many people entered the United States through Ellis Island?


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