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Jump Back in Time 進步時代 (1890-1913)
Boy Scouts from Texas

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第一位鷹級童子軍亞瑟‧愛爾得瑞得 (Arthur R. Eldred)

不過男孩子並不是唯一沈浸在童子軍活動的人。在1912年時,茱麗葉‧高登‧羅 (Juliette Gordon Low) 在喬治亞州的薩瓦那 (Savannah) 成立了女童軍,到了1915年時,這已經變成了全國性的組織,稱之為「美國女童子軍」。女童子軍的總部設立在華盛頓特區。西元1936年時,他們開始烘烤餅乾,並在全國各地銷售這些餅乾。但是女童軍並不是只是穿著童軍制服做烤餅乾這種事情而已。女童軍的活動也是以培養個人特質、培育良好公民,以及發展個人體能為出發點。你認識幾個童軍呢?

Boys weren't the only ones who enjoyed Scouting. In 1912, Juliette Gordon Low started the Girl Guides in Savannah, Georgia, and by 1915 had established a national organization called the Girl Scouts of America. They established their headquarters in Washington, D.C. In 1936 they started baking and selling their famous cookies nationwide. But Girl Scouting is about much more than cookies and uniforms. The activities are designed to build character, to promote good citizenship, and to develop personal fitness. How many Scouts do you know?

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