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Jump Back in Time 進步時代 (1890-1913)
Denton True (Cy) Young, between 1908 and 1925.

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偉大的棒球投手賽楊 (Cy Young) 在他的第一場職業球賽中擔任投手

賽揚的本名叫做丹頓‧楚‧揚 (Denton True Young) ,他於1867329日出生在俄亥俄州的吉爾摩爾 (Gilmore) 。之所以人們會叫他賽揚,是因為有個旁觀者在看他投球時,發現他的球速像龍捲風一樣快,所以就稱呼他賽揚。從那時候開始,人們也就叫他賽揚。從1956年開始,國家聯盟與美國聯盟每一年表現最好的投手,都會獲頒賽揚獎 (Cy Young Award) 。你知道有上一個球季獲得賽揚獎的投手是誰嗎?
Born Denton True Young in Gilmore, Ohio, on March 29, 1867, Young earned his nickname when a bystander observed that he could throw the ball with the force of a cyclone. He was known as Cy from that moment on. Begun in 1956, the Cy Young Award is given each year to the best pitcher in both the American and National leagues. Do you know which pitchers won the Cy Young award last season?
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