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Jump Back in Time 進步時代 (1890-1913)
Aaron Copland Appalachian Spring Holograph score, 1943-44

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作曲家阿隆‧科普蘭 (Aaron Copland) 出生在紐約布魯克林區

科普蘭也為許多電影寫配樂,包括索爾頓‧懷德的「我們的小鎮」 (Our Town1940) 、以及約翰‧史坦貝克 (John Steinbeck) 的「老鼠與人」 (Of Mice and Men1939) 與「紅色小馬」 (The Red Pony1948) 等等。科普蘭不但是一個有天分的作曲家,他也是一個老師,幾本書的作者,以及音樂文章、音樂活動的主筆與主辦人。他接獲30個以上的榮譽學位,以及許多其他獎項。對許多人來說,科普蘭的音樂可以完整抓住美國人的精神。科普蘭做到他在15歲時就立下的志向,你可以試著聽聽看科普蘭的阿帕拉契之春。在你聆聽的時候,請把眼睛閉起來。看看這個音樂能不能讓你感覺到在每年春天你都會持續發散出來的精力。

Copland wrote scores for many early films, including adaptations of Thornton Wilder's play Our Town (1940) and John Steinbeck's short novels Of Mice and Men (1939), and The Red Pony (1948). Not only a gifted composer, Copland became a teacher, an author of books and articles on music, an organizer of musical events, and a much sought-after conductor. He received more than 30 honorary degrees and many awards. For many people, Copland's music uniquely captures the American spirit. He did what he set out to do when he was only 15. If you haven't before, try listening to Copland's Appalachian Spring. Close your eyes while you listen. See if the music makes you feel the energy that bursts forth in nature each spring.
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