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Jump Back in Time 進步時代 (1890-1913)
Carnegie Technical Institute (Carnegie Mellon University), Pittsburgh, Pa.

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安德魯‧卡內基 (Andrew Carnegie) 捐錢蓋圖書館

卡內基把他的餘生都用來寫作,並且將他的財富回饋給社會。卡內基在英語語系地區興建了2509間圖書館,包括密西根、俄亥俄、佛蒙特、阿拉巴馬,以及華盛頓特區等。他還成立了卡內基‧美隆大學 (Carbegie Mellon University) 。當他於1919年去世的時候,他已經回饋了高達35千萬美金。如果你有很多的財富,你會把錢用在慈善事業之上嗎?為什麼你會願意把錢捐出來呢?

Carnegie devoted the rest of his life to writing and using his vast wealth to give back to society. Carnegie founded 2,509 libraries in the English-speaking world, including ones in Michigan, Ohio, Vermont, Alabama and Washington, D.C. He also founded Carnegie Mellon University. At the time of his death in 1919, he had given away over $350 million. If you made a fortune would you give it away to charity? To what cause would you give your money?

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