亞歷山大‧卡得 (Alexander
Calder) 出生
亞歷山大‧卡得的活動雕塑品是由馬達驅動的,有些作品活動時還會帶起一陣微風。這些作品被稱之為「活動」 (移動) 雕塑品。看著卡德的藝術作品,你會看出他以生物或抽像概念來設計與製作他的作品,這會讓你想到許多自然的東西,例如動物、植物,甚至是人類呢!
Alexander Calder made mobiles that were motor-driven and some that moved with a breeze. These were called kinetic (moving) sculptures. Looking at Calder's art, you see he created objects in biomorphic or abstract shapes that remind you of natural things such as animals, plants, or parts of people.
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