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Jump Back in Time 進步時代 (1890-1913)
H.S. Harkness in his Mercedes-Simplex, winning five-miles event
在這輛賓士車於1902年贏得底特律的格洛斯波因特 (Grosse Pointe) 比賽之前,賽車已經有一段很長的歷史了

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現在的賽車比賽,例如印第500大賽 (Indianapolis 500) ,有許多時髦豪華、色彩豐富的汽車會在跑道上呼嘯而過,這些車子的速度實在太快,有些甚至會在比賽時跑出跑道而翻車。 

西元1895年時,賽車才剛剛開始,那是一種特別的運動。18951128日,六部「摩托車」 (無馬運輸工具的暱稱) 在早上855分從芝加哥傑克森公園出發,進行一場54英里長的賽程,目的地是伊利諾州的伊文斯坦 (Evanston) ,回程時已經是滿地白雪了。這場比賽的獲勝者是由法蘭克‧杜伊爾 (J. Frank Duryea) 駕駛的五號汽車,他已超過10小時的時間,平均時數7.3英里跑完全程。

Auto races of today, such as the Indianapolis 500, have sleek, colorful cars screeching around a racetrack at speeds so fast that some spin off into the sides of the track, flipping over as they go.

Back in 1895, auto racing was just beginning and it was a very different sort of sport. On November 28, 1895, six "motocycles" (a nickname for a horseless vehicle) left Chicago's Jackson Park at 8:55 a.m. for a 54-mile race to Evanston, Illinois, and back through the snow. The winner, Number 5, driven by inventor J. Frank Duryea, won the race in just over 10 hours with an average speed of 7.3 miles per hour!

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