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Jump Back in Time 新興國家 (1790-1828)
Thomas Jonathan Jackson

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石牆傑克森 (Stonewall Jackson) 生逾1824121

到了1861年,內戰爆發,傑克森開始為南方聯盟帶兵作戰。他在維吉尼亞的「奔牛之戰」 (Battle of Bull Run) 一役中,得到了「石牆」這個外號。在槍林彈雨之中,柏納‧比 (Barnard E. Bee) 准將曾說道:「傑克森站在那裡,就像一堵石牆一樣。」士兵在他的指揮之下,開始讚佩他那固執的勇氣,而且開始叫他作「石牆」傑克森。作為一個將軍,他打過許多場仗。後來在維吉尼亞的「傳斯勒村之戰」 (Battle of Chancellorsville) 中,不小心被友軍射傷,一周之後死於肺炎,當時為1863年。

Then in 1861, the Civil War started and Jackson began to lead troops to battle for the South. It was during the Battle of Bull Run in Virginia that he received his nickname. During the gunfire and confusion of the battle, Brigadier General Barnard E. Bee said, "There is Jackson standing like a stone wall." The soldiers under his command came to admire his stubborn courage and started calling him "Stonewall" Jackson. As General, he fought in many battles, until he was wounded by friendly fire at the Battle of Chancellorsville in Virginia and died a week later from pneumonia in 1863.
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