你每週去的是基督教的教堂還是猶太人的教堂呢?如果你願意,你可以去任何一種宗教場所。宗教自由並不是全世界普遍都享有的自由。以美國為例,宗教自由是在憲法第一修正案中才規定的,在1789年訂定。不久之後,當喬治‧華盛頓在1790年8月17日到羅德島參訪時,有部分猶太人在羅德島州新港 (Newport) 區的猶太集會時,遞交喬治‧華盛頓一份恭賀文。
Do you go to church or temple? If you want to, you can go to whatever kind of religious institution you prefer. This kind of religious freedom doesn't exist everywhere in the world. In the United States, freedom of religion is upheld by the First Amendment to the Constitution. This amendment was written in 1789. Not long after, the members of the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island, presented George Washington with a congratulatory address when he visited their city on August 17, 1790.
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