愛倫坡 (Edgar
Allan Poe) 生於1809年1月19日。
如果你喜歡那種會讓你的背脊從上到下直打顫的恐怖故事,你可以試著看看愛倫坡寫的小說。愛倫坡出生在1809年1月19日,他是撰寫恐怖故事的大師,同時也是偵探推理小說之父。在「烏鴉」 (The
Raven) 這首詩裡,一隻大黑鳥飛進了作家的書房,停在一座雕像之上,看著作家。「永遠不再!」烏鴉這樣叫著。
If you like horror stories that run shivers up and down your spine, try reading the work of Edgar Allan Poe. Born on January 19, 1809, Poe was a master of tales of terror and the originator of the modern detective story. In his poem "The Raven," a big black bird comes into the narrator's den, sits upon a statue, and stares at him. "Nevermore," says the bird.
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