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Jump Back in Time 新興國家 (1790-1828)
Engraving of John Quincy Adams

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詹姆士門羅 (James Monroe) 於18231017日寫信給湯瑪斯傑佛遜尋求建議

門羅總統後來採納亞當斯的建議。雖然門羅仍然支持英國維護自己利益的行動,但是他提出了所謂的「門羅宣言」 (Monroe Doctrine) :「我們應該考量任何 (對歐洲國家而言) 要擴張其政治體制到西半球任何的地區的企圖,都會危及我們的和平與安全。」

西奧朵羅斯福 (Theodore Roosevelt) 在1904年也向門羅尋求建議,後來決定美國應該要介入拉丁美洲的國內事務,以阻止歐洲國家在該地區的繼續擴張。

President Monroe took Adams's advice. While still supporting Great Britain's interest, he declared in the "Monroe Doctrine," "We should consider any attempt [on the part of European nations] to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety."

Theodore Roosevelt in 1904 sought advice in Monroe's writing, deciding the U.S. should intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American countries to prevent the involvement of European nations there.

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