密蘇里 (Missouri) 在1821年8月10日成為美國第24州
根據政治家亨利‧克雷 (Henry
Clay) 的規劃,在1820年通過的「密蘇里協定」 (Missouri
Compromise of 1820) ,密蘇里以蓄奴州的角色成為美國的一州,而緬因州則以自由州的狀態併入聯邦,這使得美國蓄奴與非蓄奴的州數目相等,各為12州。
在一次面談中,約翰‧史密斯 (John
F. Smith) 想起一個事件:有一群擁護廢止蓄奴的游擊隊 (Jayhawker) 在1861年時跑到他的家裡。其中一個游擊隊隊員威脅要射殺他的父親,因為他的父親蓄奴。史密斯說道:
「… (然後) 我們聽到一聲槍響,所以我們看著外面的道路…那個人把他的槍丟在身旁,當麥爾司法官駕著馬車來到時,他搖著頭,眼中充滿怒光…所有的游擊隊隊員都轉過身來,憤怒的情緒與神情溢於言表。」
Under the Missouri Compromise of 1820, designed by statesman Henry Clay, Missouri entered the Union as a slave state, and Maine entered as a free state, thus keeping the number of slave and non-slave states equal at 12 each.
John F. Smith recalled in an interview an incident when Jayhawkers, a group opposed to slavery, came to his house in 1861. One of the Jayhawkers threatened to shoot his father, a Missouri slave owner.
". . . (then) we heard a shout and looked up the road . . . The man dropped his gun to his side, when Judge Myers rode up he was shaking his head and his eyes were blazing fire . . . All the Jayhawkers turned around and sulked off like whipped dogs."
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