瑪莎‧華盛頓 (Martha
Washington) 於1802年5月22日去世
華盛頓把他的妻子和新收養的繼子們瑪莎 (珮西) 與約翰‧帕克 (傑克) ,帶到他在維吉尼亞弗農山莊的家裡,那是位在華盛頓特區南邊15英里處。在那裡,這對夫婦開心的扶養他們的小孩,並且盡情享受維吉尼亞的生活。在1768年至1775年之間,華盛頓一家人招待過超過2千位客人,有些客人還特地多留幾天作客。當她的丈夫成為美國總統之後,取悅他人變成瑪莎‧華盛頓最主要的責任之一。為了和歐洲各國政府舉辦派對的規模相比較,瑪莎在紐約和美國暫時的首都--費城,舉辦了許多盛大的派對。這對第一夫人來說,真的是讓她精疲力盡了。
Washington moved his new wife and newly-adopted stepchildren, Martha ("Patsy") and John Parke ("Jacky"), to his home in Mount Vernon, Virginia, about 15 miles south of Washington, D.C. There the couple delighted in raising their children and entertaining Virginia society. Between 1768 and 1775, the Washingtons hosted more than 2,000 guests, some staying for extended periods. After her husband became president, entertaining became even more important in Martha Washington's life. She hosted lavish parties in New York and Philadelphia, the temporary U.S. capitals, to match those given by the established governments of Europe. This was a bit exhausting for the first lady.
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