啊!緬因的生活!這個松樹州在1820年3月15日成為美國的第23州。喜好露營的人可以享受該州濃密的森林與風景。其他人則喜歡在緬因州如畫般的海岸線旁、享受龍蝦大餐。當你想到緬因州時,第一個冒出來的想法是什麼?是那些「紅漆」 (Red
Paint) 人,維京海盜,法國,還是麻州?
Ahh, the life in Maine! The Pine Tree State became the 23rd state in the Union on March 15, 1820. Campers enjoy the dense woodlands and beautiful scenery. Others prefer a lobster dinner on Maine's picturesque coastline. What do you think of when you think of Maine? How about "Red Paint" people, the Vikings, the French, or Massachusetts?
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