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Jump Back in Time 新興國家 (1790-1828)
A Volume from Thomas Jefferson's Library

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詹姆士麥迪遜 (James Madison) 總統於1815130日同意國會決定購買湯瑪斯傑佛遜圖書館的法案


Jefferson's collection was the seed from which the Library of Congress grew into the world's largest library today. Accessible to all Americans through its Web sites and in three buildings on Capitol Hill, it continues to grow. Other than books, the collection includes millions of newspapers, maps, prints, photographs, sound recordings, films and digital materials, as well as the personal papers of hundreds of famous Americans including 23 U.S. presidents. If you have a shelf of books at home, think of it as the beginning of your own private library, like Jefferson's. Be sure to visit your public and school libraries often. From the beginning, libraries have played a vital role in American democracy.
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