國會圖書館 (Library
of Congress) 是怎麼誕生的呢?在1800年4月24日,約翰‧亞當斯總統同意撥款5千美元「購買一切國會需要用到的書」。也因為這樣,國會有了自己的圖書館。1801年,第一批從倫敦運到美國的書籍共有740冊與3張地圖,都被存放在美國首都。到了1802年,熱愛學習,而且擁有私人圖書館的湯瑪斯‧傑佛遜總統,計畫要擴大國會圖書館的規模。於是,這個機構被賦予了新的角色與功能,並且在2000年4月24日的時候,慶祝對國會與所有美國人提供服務的二百週年。
How did the Library of Congress get started? On April 24, 1800, President John Adams approved $5,000 for the purchase of "such books as may be necessary for the use of Congress." As a result, Congress had a library. Those first books that arrived from London in 1801 were a collection of 740 volumes and three maps. They were stored in the U.S. Capitol. In 1802, President Thomas Jefferson, a man who loved learning and had an impressive personal library, made plans to expand the Library. This further defined the role and functions of the new institution, which celebrates 200 years of service to Congress and all Americans on April 24, 2000.
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