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Jump Back in Time 新興國家 (1790-1828)
Poster for Lincoln and Hamlin.

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史蒂芬‧道格拉斯 (Stephan A. Douglas) 生於1813423

1858年的參議員選舉中,民主黨的史蒂芬‧道格拉斯與共和黨的亞伯拉罕‧林肯共同競爭一個席位。林肯與道格拉斯進行了七次辯論,也就是現在我們熟知的「林肯—道格拉斯大辯論」 (Lincoln-Douglas Debates) 。雖然道格拉斯最後贏得勝利,但是在1860年總統大選時,兩人再度捉對廝殺,因為得到全國人民的支持,林肯當選為美國總統。你認不認識像史蒂芬‧道格拉斯一樣的「小巨人」呢。

In the Senate campaign of 1858, Democrat Stephen Douglas ran against Republican Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln challenged Douglas to a series of seven debates, known today as the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Douglas won that election, but the national publicity that Lincoln received led to his victory when he ran against Douglas a second time in the 1860 presidential election. Do you know a "Little Giant" like Stephen A. Douglas?
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